Family: Rubiaceae



List of lepidoptera species using Rubiaceae as larval foodplant.

Apterona helicoidella - Snailcase Bagworm
Celypha rivulana - Silver-striped Marble
NT Pyrausta nigrata - Wavy-barred Sable
Mecyna flavalis - Yellow Pearl
NT Hemaris tityus - Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth
Macroglossum stellatarum - Hummingbird Hawk-moth
Hyles gallii - Bedstraw Hawk-moth
Hyles livornica - Striped Hawk-moth
Deilephila elpenor - Elephant Hawk-moth
Deilephila porcellus - Small Elephant Hawk-moth
Hippotion celerio - Silver-striped Hawk-moth
Chiasmia clathrata - Latticed Heath
VU Hypoxystis pluviaria
Alcis repandata - Mottled Beauty
Siona lineata - Black-veined Moth
Thalera fimbrialis - Sussex Emerald
Scopula floslactata - Cream Wave
Idaea serpentata - Ochraceous Wave
Idaea muricata - Purple-bordered Gold
NT Phibalapteryx virgata - Oblique Striped
Orthonama vittata - Oblique Carpet
Xanthorhoe designata - Flame Carpet
Xanthorhoe abrasaria
Xanthorhoe decoloraria - Red Carpet
Xanthorhoe spadicearia - Red Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe ferrugata - Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata - Large Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe montanata - Silver-ground Carpet
VU Catarhoe rubidata - Ruddy Carpet
Catarhoe cuculata - Royal Mantle
NT Epirrhoe hastulata - Sombre Wood Carpet
Epirrhoe tristata - Small Argent & Sable
EN Epirrhoe pupillata
Epirrhoe alternata - Common Carpet
Epirrhoe rivata - Wood Carpet
NT Epirrhoe galiata - Galium Carpet
NT Costaconvexa polygrammata - The Many-lined
Camptogramma bilineata - Yellow Shell
Lampropteryx suffumata - Water Carpet
NT Lampropteryx otregiata - Devon Carpet
Cosmorhoe ocellata - Purple Bar
Gandaritis pyraliata - Barred Straw
VU Colostygia aptata
Colostygia olivata - Beech-green Carpet
EN Colostygia turbata
Colostygia pectinataria - Green Carpet
Coenocalpe lapidata - Slender-striped Rufous
Mesotype parallelolineata
Eupithecia vulgata - Common Pug
Eupithecia pimpinellata - Pimpinel Pug
Euclidia mi - Mother Shipton
Autographa gamma - Silver Y
Amphipyra tragopoginis - Mouse Moth
Orthosia gothica - Hebrew Character
Agrochola nitida
Conistra rubiginosa - Black-spot Chestnut
Conistra erythrocephala - Red-headed Chestnut
Xylena exsoleta - Sword-grass
Xylena vetusta - Red Sword-grass
Antitype chi - Grey Chi
Ammoconia caecimacula
Mniotype satura - Beautiful Arches
Mniotype adusta - Dark Brocade
Mniotype bathensis
Caradrina morpheus - Mottled Rustic
Hoplodrina octogenaria - The Uncertain
Rusina ferruginea - Brown Rustic
Polia bombycina - Pale Shining Brown
Polia nebulosa - Grey Arches
Ceramica pisi - Broom Moth
Eriopygodes imbecillus - The Silurian
Euxoa obelisca - Square-spot Dart
Agrotis vestigialis - Archer's Dart
Axylia putris - The Flame
Ochropleura plecta - Flame Shoulder
Eugnorisma depuncta - Plain Clay
Noctua fimbriata - Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Noctua comes - Lesser Yellow Underwing
Eugnorisma glareosa - Autumnal Rustic
Xestia baja - Dotted Clay
Xestia sexstrigata - Six-striped Rustic
Xestia xanthographa - Square-spot Rustic
Cerastis rubricosa - Red Chestnut
Cerastis leucographa - White-marked
Naenia typica - The Gothic
Amata phegea - Nine-spotted
VU Spiris striata - Feathered Footman
Phragmatobia fuliginosa - Ruby Tiger
Diaphora mendica - Muslin Moth
Rhyparia purpurata - Purple Tiger
Diacrisia sannio - Clouded Buff - Magnus Unger - Contact