Genus: Dactylis - Cocksfoot



List of lepidoptera species using Dactylis as larval foodplant.

Glyphipterix simpliciella - Cocksfoot Moth
Elachista freyerella - Broken-barred Dwarf
Elachista atricomella
Elachista elegans
Elachista luticomella
Elachista albifrontella - White-headed Dwarf
Elachista bifasciella
Elachista nobilella
Elachista apicipunctella - Pearl Dwar
Elachista subnigrella - Dark Dwarf
Elachista maculicerusella
Elachista argentella - Swan-feather Dwarf
VU Elachista chrysodesmella
NT Elachista obliquella
NT Elachista unifasciella - Narrow-barred Dwarf
Elachista gangabella - Yellow-barred Dwarf
Elachista pullicomella
Helcystogramma rufescens - Orange Crest
Lasiocampa trifolii - Grass Eggar
Macrothylacia rubi - Fox Moth
Euthrix potatoria - The Drinker
Carterocephalus palaemon - Chequered Skipper
Thymelicus lineola - Essex Skipper
Ochlodes sylvanus - Large Skipper
Lasiommata megera - Wall
Lasiommata maera - Large Wall
Lasiommata petropolitana - Northern Wall Brown
NT Lopinga achine - Woodland Brown
Coenonympha pamphilus - Small Heath
Aphantopus hyperantus - Ringlet
Melanargia galathea - Marbled White
Siona lineata - Black-veined Moth
Euclidia mi - Mother Shipton
Deltote pygarga - Marbled White Spot
Thalpophila matura - Straw Underwing
Apamea monoglypha - Dark Arches
Apamea crenata - Clouded-bordered Brindle
Apamea epomidion - Clouded Brindle
Apamea illyria
NT Apamea anceps - Large Nutmeg
Oligia strigilis - Marbled Minor
Oligia latruncula - Tawny Marbled Minor
Litoligia literosa - Rosy Minor
Mesapamea secalis - Common Rustic
Eremobia ochroleuca - Dusky Sallow
Luperina testacea - Flounced Rustic
Amphipoea oculea - Ear Moth
Amphipoea fucosa - Saltern Ear
NT Calamia tridens - Burren Green
Tholera cespitis - Hedge Rustic
NT Mythimna turca - Double Line
Mythimna pudorina - Striped Wainscot
Mythimna conigera - Brown-line Bright-eye
Mythimna pallens - Common Wainscot
Mythimna impura - Smoky Wainscot
Mythimna vitellina - The Delicate
Leucania comma - Shoulder-striped Wainscot
Noctua pronuba - Large Yellow Underwing
Xestia xanthographa - Square-spot Rustic - Magnus Unger - Contact