Genus: Fraxinus - Ash



List of lepidoptera species using Fraxinus as larval foodplant.

VU Caloptilia cuculipennella
Gracillaria syringella - Lilac Leafminer
NT Zelleria hepariella
Prays fraxinellus - Ash Bud Moth
Semioscopis steinkellneriana - Dawn Flat-body
Oecophora bractella
NT Coleophora badiipennella - Pale Elm Case-bearer
Cossus cossus - Goat Moth
Zeuzera pyrina - Leopard Moth
VU Doloploca punctulana
Eulia ministrana - Brassy Tortrix
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana - Yellow-spot Tortrix
Archips crataeganus - Brown Oak Tortrix
Archips xylosteanus - Variegated Golden Tortrix
Ptycholoma lecheanum
Pandemis corylana - Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix
Pandemis cerasana - Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix
Pandemis heparana - Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix
Hedya nubiferana - Marbled Orchard Tortrix
Rhopobota naevana - Holly Tortrix
NT Pammene suspectana
Choreutis pariana - Apple Leaf Skeletonizer
NT Euzophera pinguis - Tabby Knot-horn
Anania coronata
Palpita vitrealis - Jasmine moth
Poecilocampa populi - December Moth
Lasiocampa quercus - Oak Eggar
Acherontia atropos - Death's-head Hawk-moth
Sphinx ligustri - Privet Hawk-moth
EN Euphydryas maturna - Scarce Fritillary
Apeira syringaria - Lilac Beauty
Ennomos fuscantaria - Dusky Thorn
Selenia lunularia - Lunar Thorn
Selenia tetralunaria - Purple Thorn
Crocallis elinguaria - Scalloped Oak
Colotois pennaria - Feathered Thorn
Phigalia pilosaria - Pale Brindled Beauty
Lycia hirtaria - Brindled Beauty
Peribatodes rhomboidaria - Willow Beauty
Hypomecis punctinalis - Pale Oak Beauty
Alsophila aescularia - March Moth
Cyclophora porata - False Mocha
Chloroclysta siterata - Red-green Carpet
Epirrita dilutata - November Moth
Operophtera brumata - Winter Moth
Eupithecia innotata - Angle-barred Pug
Eupithecia ochridata
NT Trichopteryx polycommata - Barred Tooth-striped
Phalera bucephala - Buff-tip
Acronicta leporina - The Miller
NT Craniophora ligustri - The Coronet
Catocala fraxini - Clifden Nonpareil
Catocala promissa - Light Crimson Underwing
Amphipyra pyramidea - Copper Underwing
Asteroscopus sphinx - The Sprawler
Pyrrhia umbra - Bordered Sallow
Orthosia incerta - Clouded Drab
Anorthoa munda - Twin-spotted Quaker
Tiliacea sulphurago
Atethmia centrago - Centre-barred Sallow
Agrochola circellaris - The Brick
Lithophane semibrunnea - Tawny Pinion
Lithophane socia - Pale Pinion
Lithophane furcifera - The Conformist
Cosmia trapezina - The Dun-bar
Polia hepatica - Silvery Arches
Melanchra persicariae - Dot Moth
Noctua fimbriata - Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
VU Spiris striata - Feathered Footman
Pericallia matronula - Large Tiger Moth
Arctia caja - Garden Tiger
NT Callimorpha dominula - Scarlet Tiger
Euproctis chrysorrhoea - Brown-tail
Calliteara pudibunda - Pale Tussock

Overview: Foodplants
Family: Oleaceae

Species - Magnus Unger - Contact