Genus: Stellaria - Stitchwort



List of lepidoptera species using Stellaria as larval foodplant.

Coleophora lutarea
Coleophora lithargyrinella
Coleophora chalcogrammella
Coleophora striatipennella
Coleophora solitariella
Caryocolum vicinellum
Caryocolum fraternellum - Mouse-ear Groundling
Caryocolum blandellum - Short-barred Groundling
Caryocolum tricolorellum
Caryocolum junctellum
Caryocolum cassellum
Caryocolum petrophilum
Caryocolum huebneri
Caryocolum kroesmanniellum
Macroglossum stellatarum - Hummingbird Hawk-moth
Scopula marginepunctata - Mullein Wave
Xanthorhoe ferrugata - Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe montanata - Silver-ground Carpet
Camptogramma bilineata - Yellow Shell
Euphyia biangulata - Cloaked Carpet
Euphyia unangulata - Sharp-angled Carpet
Martania taeniata - Barred Carpet
Mesotype didymata - Twin-spot Carpet
Eupithecia pygmaeata - Marsh Pug
Panemeria tenebrata - Small Yellow Underwing
Agrochola lychnidis - Beaded Chestnut
Ammoconia caecimacula
Aporophyla lueneburgensis - Deep-brown Dart
Polymixis flavicincta - Large Ranunculus
Caradrina clavipalpis - Pale Mottled Willow
Hoplodrina octogenaria - The Uncertain
Hoplodrina blanda - The Rustic
Lacanobia w-latinum - Light Brocade
Hada plebeja - The Shears
Eriopygodes imbecillus - The Silurian
Mythimna ferrago - The Clay
Agrotis vestigialis - Archer's Dart
Axylia putris - The Flame
Actebia praecox - Portland Moth
Standfussiana lucernea - Northern Rustic
Xestia c-nigrum - Setaceous Hebrew Character
Xestia ditrapezium - Triple-spotted Clay
Xestia triangulum - Double Square-spot
Xestia stigmatica - Square-spotted Clay
Xestia xanthographa - Square-spot Rustic
Cerastis rubricosa - Red Chestnut
Diaphora mendica - Muslin Moth
Arctia villica - Cream-spot Tiger - Magnus Unger - Contact