Species: Fagus sylvatica - European Beech



List of lepidoptera species using Fagus sylvatica as larval foodplant.

Stigmella tityrella - Small Beech Pigmy
Stigmella hemargyrella - Beech Pigmy
VU Nematopogon adansoniellus
Incurvaria masculella - Feathered Leaf-cutter
Incurvaria koerneriella
Bucculatrix thoracella - Lime Bent-Wing
Caloptilia alchimiella - Yellow-triangle slender
Caloptilia robustella - New Oak Slender
Parornix fagivora - Beech Slender
Phyllonorycter maestingellus - Beech midget
Argyresthia semitestacella - Large Beech Aargent
Ypsolopha vittella - Elm Smudge
Carcina quercana - Oak Skeletonizer Moth
Apoda limacodes - The Festoon
NT Synanthedon vespiformis - Yellow-legged Clearwing
Zeuzera pyrina - Leopard Moth
Acleris sparsana - Ashy Button
Choristoneura diversana - Forest Tortrix
Pandemis corylana - Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix
Pandemis heparana - Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix
Clepsis rurinana - Pale Tortrix
Adoxophyes orana - Summer Fruit Tortrix
Ancylis mitterbacheriana - Amber Hook-wing
Cydia splendana - Chestnut Tortrix
Cydia fagiglandana - Beech Moth
Cydia amplana - Rusty oak moth
Pammene fasciana - Chestnut leafroller
Poecilocampa populi - December Moth
Watsonalla binaria - Oak Hook-tip
Watsonalla cultraria - Barred Hook-tip
Abraxas sylvata - Clouded Magpie
Ennomos autumnaria - Large Thorn
Ennomos quercinaria - August Thorn
Colotois pennaria - Feathered Thorn
Phigalia pilosaria - Pale Brindled Beauty
Agriopis marginaria - Dotted Border
Erannis defoliaria - Mottled Umber
Alcis repandata - Mottled Beauty
Hypomecis roboraria - Great Oak Beauty
Hypomecis punctinalis - Pale Oak Beauty
Campaea margaritaria - Light Emerald
Geometra papilionaria - Large Emerald
Cyclophora linearia - Clay Triple-lines
Chloroclysta siterata - Red-green Carpet
Electrophaes corylata - Broken-barred Carpet
Hydriomena furcata - July Highflyer
Asthena albulata - Small White Wave
Ptilodon capucina - Coxcomb Prominent
Furcula furcula - Sallow Kitten
Phalera bucephala - Buff-tip
Stauropus fagi - Lobster Moth
Moma alpium - Scarce Merveille du Jour
Acronicta alni - Alder Moth
Acronicta psi - Grey Dagger
Acronicta auricoma - Scarce Dagger
Asteroscopus sphinx - The Sprawler
Orthosia cerasi - Common Quaker
Orthosia cruda - Small Quaker
Anorthoa munda - Twin-spotted Quaker
Agrochola macilenta - Yellow-line Quaker
Eupsilia transversa - The Satellite
Cosmia trapezina - The Dun-bar
Melanchra persicariae - Dot Moth
Colocasia coryli - Nut-tree Tussock
Nola confusalis - Least Black Arches
Pseudoips prasinanus - Green Silver-lines
NT Callimorpha dominula - Scarlet Tiger
Lymantria monacha - Black Arches
Euproctis similis - Yellow-tail
Arctornis l-nigrum - Black V Moth
Calliteara pudibunda - Pale Tussock
Orgyia antiqua - The Vapourer

Overview: Foodplants
Family: Fagaceae
Genus: Fagus - Beech

Lepidoptera.se - Magnus Unger - Contact