Species: Prunus cerasus - Sour Cherry



List of lepidoptera species using Prunus cerasus as larval foodplant.

Stigmella prunetorum - Scarce Sloe Pigmy
Coptotriche gaunacella - Grey Carl
Callisto insperatella
Parornix torquillella - Blackthorn Parornix
Phyllonorycter spinicolellus - Sloe Midget
Phyllonorycter cavellus - Gold birch midget
Yponomeuta evonymellus - Bird-cherry Ermine
Swammerdamia pyrella - Little Ermine
Argyresthia pruniella - Cherry Fruit Moth
Argyresthia albistria - Purple Argent
Lyonetia clerkella - Apple Leaf Miner
Coleophora spinella - Apple & Plum Case-bearer
Coleophora prunifoliae - New sloe case-bearer
Dichomeris derasella - Blackthorn Crest
Synanthedon myopaeformis - Red-belted Clearwing
Acleris variegana - Garden Rose Tortrix
Sparganothis pilleriana - Long-palped tortrix
Archips podanus - Large Fruit-tree Tortrix
Archips xylosteanus - Variegated Golden Tortrix
Choristoneura hebenstreitella - Mountain-ash tortricid
Pandemis heparana - Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix
Orthotaenia undulana - Dusky Leafroller
Hedya dimidiana
Celypha lacunana - Common Marble
Epinotia signatana - Black-brindled Bell
Enarmonia formosana - Cherry-bark Moth
Ancylis selenana
Ancylis achatana - Triangle-marked Roller
Grapholita funebrana - Plum Fruit Moth
Grapholita lobarzewskii - Small fruit tortrix
Pammene rhediella - Fruitlet Mining Tortrix
Smerinthus ocellata - Eyed Hawk-moth
Nymphalis polychloros - Large Tortoiseshell
Lomographa temerata - Clouded Silver
Allophyes oxyacanthae - Green-brindled Crescent
Diloba caeruleocephala - Figure of Eight
Noctua comes - Lesser Yellow Underwing
Euproctis chrysorrhoea - Brown-tail
Euproctis similis - Yellow-tail
Orgyia antiqua - The Vapourer

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