Species: Salix aurita - Eared Willow



List of lepidoptera species using Salix aurita as larval foodplant.

Stigmella salicis - Sallow Pigmy
Ectoedemia intimella - Black-spot Sallow Pigmy
Caloptilia stigmatella - White-triangle Slender
Phyllonorycter salicicolellus - Long-streak midget
Phyllonorycter hilarellus - Sallow midget
Leucoptera sinuella
Agonopterix conterminella
Agonopterix ocellana
Coleophora lusciniaepennella - Osier Case-bearer
Coleophora albidella - White Ssallow Case-bearer
Coleophora zelleriella
VU Sesia bembeciformis - Lunar Hornet Moth
Synanthedon formicaeformis - Red-tipped Clearwing
NT Synanthedon flaviventris - Sallow Clearwing
Acleris hastiana - Sallow Button
Choristoneura diversana - Forest Tortrix
Epinotia caprana - Large Sallow Bell
Epinotia cruciana - Willow Tortrix
Epinotia crenana - Highland Bell
Epinotia subocellana - White Sallow Bell
Ancylis geminana - Festooned Roller
Episcythrastis tetricella
Malacosoma neustrium - The Lackey
Lasiocampa quercus - Oak Eggar
Macrothylacia rubi - Fox Moth
Saturnia pavonia - Emperor Moth
Smerinthus ocellata - Eyed Hawk-moth
Laothoe populi - Poplar Hawk-moth
Nymphalis antiopa - Camberwell Beauty
Nymphalis polychloros - Large Tortoiseshell
Apatura iris - Purple Emperor
Lomaspilis marginata - Clouded Border
Cabera exanthemata - Common Wave
Eulithis testata - The Chevron
Dysstroma citrata - Dark Marbled Carpet
Electrophaes corylata - Broken-barred Carpet
Hydriomena furcata - July Highflyer
Hydriomena ruberata - Ruddy Highflyer
Pterapherapteryx sexalata - Small Seraphim
Clostera curtula - Chocolate-tip
Clostera pigra - Small Chocolate-tip
Phalera bucephala - Buff-tip
Acronicta auricoma - Scarce Dagger
Orthosia gothica - Hebrew Character
Xanthia togata - Pink-barred Sallow
Cirrhia icteritia - The Sallow
Agrochola circellaris - The Brick
Brachylomia viminalis - Minor Shoulder-knot
Lithophane lamda - Nonconformist
Ipimorpha retusa - Double Kidney
Nycteola degenerana - Sallow Nycteoline
Arctia caja - Garden Tiger
NT Callimorpha dominula - Scarlet Tiger
Orgyia antiqua - The Vapourer

Overview: Foodplants
Family: Salicaceae
Genus: Salix - Willow

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