Arctiidae - Björnspinnare

Arctiidae (Björnspinnare) is a family of macro-moths, in Sweden there is a total of 41 species in this family.

Nudaria mundana - Muslin Footman
Thumatha senex - Round-winged Muslin
Miltochrista miniata - Rosy Footman
Cybosia mesomella - Four-dotted Footman
Pelosia muscerda - Dotted Footman
Pelosia obtusa - Small Dotted Footman
Atolmis rubricollis - Red-necked Footman
Lithosia quadra - Four-spotted Footman
Eilema depressum - Buff Footman
Eilema griseolum - Dingy Footman
Eilema lurideolum - Common Footman
Eilema complanum - Scarce Footman
Eilema pygmaeolum - Pigmy Footman
Eilema lutarellum - Bright Yellow Footman
Eilema sororcula - Orange Footman
NT Setema cereola
NT Setina irrorella - Dew Moth
Setina roscida
CR Dysauxes ancilla - The Handmaid
Amata phegea - Nine-spotted
VU Spiris striata - Feathered Footman
Coscinia cribraria - Speckled Footman
Utetheisa pulchella - Crimson Speckled
Phragmatobia fuliginosa - Ruby Tiger
Parasemia plantaginis - Wood Tiger
Grammia quenseli - Labrador Apantesis
VU Holoarctia puengeleri
Spilarctia lutea - Buff Ermine
Spilosoma lubricipedum - White Ermine
Spilosoma urticae - Water Ermine
Diaphora mendica - Muslin Moth
Rhyparia purpurata - Purple Tiger
Diacrisia sannio - Clouded Buff
EN Hyphoraia aulica - Brown Tiger Moth
Pararctia lapponica - Lapland Tiger Moth
EN Acerbia alpina
Pericallia matronula - Large Tiger Moth
Arctia caja - Garden Tiger
Arctia villica - Cream-spot Tiger
NT Callimorpha dominula - Scarlet Tiger
Tyria jacobaeae - The Cinnabar - Magnus Unger - Contact