Family: Lamiaceae



List of lepidoptera species using Lamiaceae as larval foodplant.

Micropterix calthella - Marsh Marygold Moth
Triodia sylvina - Orange Swift
NT Trifurcula headleyella - Self-heal Pigmy
Pseudopostega auritella - Fen bent-wing
Pseudopostega crepusculella - Mint Bent-wing
Nematopogon schwarziellus
Apterona helicoidella - Snailcase Bagworm
NT Stephensia brunnichella - Basil Dwarf
VU Scythris productella
Scythris picaepennis - White-dusted Owlet
CR Scythris knochella
VU Scythris siccella
Coleophora albitarsella - White-legged case-bearer
NT Coleophora lineolea - Woundwort Case-bearer
Coleophora ballotella
Amphisbatis incongruella - Ling Tubic
Aristotelia subdecurtella - Brown Fen Neb
NT Eulamprotes superbella
Scrobipalpa artemisiella - Thyme Moth
NT Sophronia humerella
Acompsia schmidtiella - Marjoram Crest
Thiotricha subocellea
Zygaena exulans - Scotch Burnet
Phalonidia manniana - Water-mint Conch
Eupoecilia angustana - Marbled Conch
Cochylidia rupicola - Hemp-agrimony Conch
Cnephasia asseclana - Flax Tortrix
Cnephasia genitalana
Paramesia gnomana - Small Straw Tortrix
Philedonides lunana - Walker’s Lanark Tortrix
Pandemis dumetana
Lozotaenia forsterana - Large Ivy Tortrix
Aphelia viburnana - Bilberry Tortrix
Clepsis rurinana - Pale Tortrix
Epiphyas postvittana - Light Brown Apple Moth
Olindia schumacherana
NT Endothenia oblongana - Downland Marble
Endothenia marginana
NT Endothenia nigricostana - Black-edged Marble
NT Endothenia pullana
Endothenia ericetana
Endothenia quadrimaculana
NT Endothenia hebesana
Celypha cespitana - Celypha Moth
Celypha lacunana - Common Marble
Phiaris umbrosana
Ancylis comptana - Strawberry Leafroller
Prochoreutis myllerana - Miller’s Nettle-tap
Prochoreutis sehestediana - Silver-dot Metal-mark
Amblyptilia acanthadactyla - Beautiful Plume
Amblyptilia punctidactyla - Brindled Plume
NT Merrifieldia leucodactyla - Thyme Plume
NT Merrifieldia tridactyla - Western Thyme Plume
NT Merrifieldia baliodactyla - Dingy White Plume
NT Pempeliella ornatella
VU Delplanqueia dilutella
Selagia spadicella
Pempelia palumbella
Udea ferrugalis - Rusty Dot Pearl
Udea fulvalis
NT Udea olivalis
VU Pyrausta cingulata - Silver-barred Sable
EN Pyrausta sanguinalis - Scarce Crimson and Gold
Pyrausta despicata - Straw-barred Pearl
VU Pyrausta porphyralis
Pyrausta aurata - Mint Moth
Pyrausta purpuralis - Common Crimson-and-gold Moth
NT Pyrausta ostrinalis
NT Pyrausta nigrata - Wavy-barred Sable
VU Pyrausta aerealis
Sitochroa verticalis
Anania lancealis
Anania stachydalis
Psammotis pulveralis - Scarce Marsh Pearl
Anania verbascalis
Anania hortulata - Small Magpie
Paratalanta pandalis - Bordered Pearl
Mecyna flavalis - Yellow Pearl
Saturnia pavonia - Emperor Moth
NT Phengaris arion - Large Blue
NT Polyommatus dorylas - Turquoise Blue
Pseudopanthera macularia - Speckled Yellow
Lycia zonaria - Belted Beauty
Ascotis selenaria - Giant Looper
Alcis repandata - Mottled Beauty
Siona lineata - Black-veined Moth
Perconia strigillaria - Grass Wave
Thalera fimbrialis - Sussex Emerald
Scopula immorata - Lewes Wave
Scopula nigropunctata - Sub-angled Wave
CR Scopula ornata - Lace Border
NT Scopula decorata - Middle Lace Border
NT Scopula rubiginata - Tawny Wave
CR Scopula marginepunctata - Mullein Wave
Scopula incanata
Scopula immutata - Lesser Cream Wave
Idaea serpentata - Ochraceous Wave
Idaea sylvestraria - Dotted Border Wave
Idaea biselata - Small Fan-footed Wave
Xanthorhoe spadicearia - Red Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata - Large Twin-spot Carpet
Xanthorhoe montanata - Silver-ground Carpet
Camptogramma bilineata - Yellow Shell
Colostygia pectinataria - Green Carpet
Perizoma alchemillata - Small Rivulet
Eupithecia centaureata - Lime-speck Pug
VU Eupithecia distinctaria - Thyme Pug
Gymnoscelis rufifasciata - Double-striped Pug
Chloroclystis v-ata - The V-Pug
Acronicta rumicis - Knot Grass
Herminia grisealis - Small Fan-foot
Schrankia costaestrigalis - Pinion-streaked Snout
NT Schrankia taenialis - White-line Snout
Hypena proboscidalis - The Snout
Hypena obesalis - Paignton Snout
Diachrysia chrysitis - Burnished Brass
Diachrysia chryson - Scarce Burnished Brass
Macdunnoughia confusa - Dewick's Plusia
Autographa gamma - Silver Y
Autographa mandarina
Autographa pulchrina - Beautiful Golden Y
Autographa jota - Plain Golden Y
Autographa bractea - Gold Spangle
RE Panemeria tenebrata - Small Yellow Underwing
VU Heliothis viriplaca - Marbled Clover
Heliothis peltigera - Bordered Straw
Agrochola litura - Brown-spot Pinion
Agrochola circellaris - The Brick
Xylena exsoleta - Sword-grass
Ammoconia caecimacula
Polymixis polymita
RE Polymixis flavicincta - Large Ranunculus
Mniotype adusta - Dark Brocade
Caradrina morpheus - Mottled Rustic
Caradrina clavipalpis - Pale Mottled Willow
Hoplodrina octogenaria - The Uncertain
Athetis lepigone
Trachea atriplicis - Orache Moth
Mormo maura - Black underwing
Euplexia lucipara - Small Angle Shades
Phlogophora meticulosa - Angle Shades
Eucarta virgo - Silvery Gem
Hydraecia micacea - Rosy Rustic
Lacanobia w-latinum - Light Brocade
Lacanobia thalassina - Pale-shouldered Brocade
Melanchra persicariae - Dot Moth
Mamestra brassicae - Cabbage Moth
Eriopygodes imbecillus - The Silurian
Agrotis cinerea - Light Feathered Rustic
Eugnorisma depuncta - Plain Clay
Noctua janthe - Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Eugnorisma glareosa - Autumnal Rustic
Diarsia rubi - Small Square-spot
Diarsia florida - Fen Square-spot
RE Xestia ditrapezium - Triple-spotted Clay
Xestia triangulum - Double Square-spot
Xestia baja - Dotted Clay
Xestia stigmatica - Square-spotted Clay
Xestia xanthographa - Square-spot Rustic
Eurois occulta - Great Brocade
Naenia typica - The Gothic
Meganola albula - Kent Black Arches
Nola confusalis - Least Black Arches
Amata phegea - Nine-spotted
VU Spiris striata - Feathered Footman
Phragmatobia fuliginosa - Ruby Tiger
Spilosoma urticae - Water Ermine
Diaphora mendica - Muslin Moth
Diacrisia sannio - Clouded Buff
Arctia caja - Garden Tiger
Arctia villica - Cream-spot Tiger
NT Callimorpha dominula - Scarlet Tiger
Orgyia antiqua - The Vapourer - Magnus Unger - Contact