Genus: Thymus - Thyme



List of lepidoptera species using Thymus as larval foodplant.

Scythris picaepennis - White-dusted Owlet
CR Scythris knochella
VU Scythris siccella
Amphisbatis incongruella - Ling Tubic
NT Eulamprotes superbella
Scrobipalpa artemisiella - Thyme Moth
NT Sophronia humerella
Zygaena exulans - Scotch Burnet
Eupoecilia angustana - Marbled Conch
Celypha cespitana - Celypha Moth
Ancylis comptana - Strawberry Leafroller
NT Merrifieldia leucodactyla - Thyme Plume
NT Merrifieldia tridactyla - Western Thyme Plume
NT Pempeliella ornatella
VU Delplanqueia dilutella - Powdered Knot-horn
Selagia spadicella
Pempelia palumbella - Heather Knot-horn
VU Pyrausta cingulata - Silver-barred Sable
EN Pyrausta sanguinalis - Scarce Crimson and Gold
Pyrausta aurata - Mint Moth
Pyrausta purpuralis - Common Crimson-and-gold Moth
NT Pyrausta ostrinalis
NT Pyrausta nigrata - Wavy-barred Sable
VU Pyrausta aerealis
Paratalanta pandalis - Bordered Pearl
Mecyna flavalis - Yellow Pearl
NT Phengaris arion - Large Blue
NT Polyommatus dorylas - Turquoise Blue
Siona lineata - Black-veined Moth
Thalera fimbrialis - Sussex Emerald
Scopula immorata - Lewes Wave
CR Scopula ornata - Lace Border
NT Scopula decorata - Middle Lace Border
NT Scopula rubiginata - Tawny Wave
CR Scopula marginepunctata - Mullein Wave
Scopula incanata
Idaea serpentata - Ochraceous Wave
Idaea sylvestraria - Dotted Border Wave
Camptogramma bilineata - Yellow Shell
VU Eupithecia distinctaria - Thyme Pug
Gymnoscelis rufifasciata - Double-striped Pug
Acronicta auricoma - Scarce Dagger
Schrankia costaestrigalis - Pinion-streaked Snout
NT Schrankia taenialis - White-line Snout
Agrotis cinerea - Light Feathered Rustic
Noctua comes - Lesser Yellow Underwing
Eurois occulta - Great Brocade - Magnus Unger - Contact