Species: Malus domestica - Apple tree



List of lepidoptera species using Malus domestica as larval foodplant.

Stigmella malella - Apple Pygmy
Stigmella sorbi - Barred Rowan Pigmy
Stigmella plagicolella - Scrubland Pigmy
Stigmella incognitella
Bohemannia pulverosella - Dusty Apple Pigmy
Scythropia crataegella - Hawthorn Moth
Argyresthia ivella - Gold-four Argent
Argyresthia conjugella - Apple Fruit Moth
Blastodacna atra - Apple Pith Moth
Recurvaria leucatella - Lesser Budmoth
Synanthedon myopaeformis - Red-belted Clearwing
Acleris holmiana - Ggolden leafroller moth
Acleris variegana - Garden Rose Tortrix
Acleris fimbriana
Choristoneura diversana
Hedya pruniana - Plum Tortrix
Spilonota ocellana - Bud Moth
Enarmonia formosana - Cherry-bark Moth
Pammene rhediella - Fruitlet Mining Tortrix
Choreutis pariana - Apple Leaf Skeletonizer
Loxostege sticticalis - Beet Webworm
Malacosoma neustrium - The Lackey
Saturnia pavonia - Emperor Moth
Smerinthus ocellata - Eyed Hawk-moth
Laothoe populi - Poplar Hawk-moth
Sphinx ligustri - Privet Hawk-moth
Iphiclides podalirius - Scarce Swallowtail
Aporia crataegi - Black-veined White
Nymphalis polychloros - Large Tortoiseshell
Colotois pennaria - Feathered Thorn
Agriopis marginaria - Dotted Border
Lomographa temerata - Clouded Silver
NT Eupithecia insigniata - Pinion-spotted Pug
Pasiphila rectangulata - Green Pug
VU Acronicta tridens - Dark Dagger
Diloba caeruleocephala - Figure of Eight
Orthosia gracilis - Powdered Quaker
Conistra rubiginosa - Black-spot Chestnut
Eupsilia transversa - The Satellite
Cosmia trapezina - The Dun-bar
Anaplectoides prasina - Green Arches
Trichosea ludifica
Colocasia coryli - Nut-tree Tussock
Nola cucullatella - Short-cloaked Moth
Euproctis chrysorrhoea - Brown-tail
Euproctis similis - Yellow-tail
Calliteara pudibunda - Pale Tussock
Orgyia recens - Scarce Vapourer

Overview: Foodplants
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Malus - Apple

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