Genus: Malus - Apple



List of lepidoptera species using Malus as larval foodplant.

Stigmella malella - Apple Pygmy
Stigmella magdalenae - Northern Rowan Pigmy
Stigmella oxyacanthella - Common Fruit-tree Pigmy
Stigmella sorbi - Barred Rowan Pigmy
Stigmella plagicolella - Scrubland Pigmy
Stigmella incognitella - Grey Apple Pigmy
Stigmella perpygmaeella - Least Thorn Pigmy
Bohemannia pulverosella - Dusty Apple Pigmy
Ectoedemia atricollis - Pinch-barred Pigmy
Incurvaria pectinea - Pale Feathered Bright
Bucculatrix bechsteinella
Callisto denticulella - Garden Apple Slender
Parornix scoticella - Rowan slender
Phyllonorycter sorbi - Rowan midget
Phyllonorycter blancardellus - Spotted Tentiform Leafminer
Phyllonorycter leucographellus - Firethorn Leaf Miner
Phyllonorycter corylifoliellus - Hawthorn Red Midget Moth
Scythropia crataegella - Hawthorn Moth
Yponomeuta malinellus - Apple Ermine
Swammerdamia pyrella - Little Ermine
Argyresthia ivella - Gold-four Argent
Argyresthia curvella - Brindled Argent
Argyresthia conjugella - Apple Fruit Moth
Ypsolopha asperella - Scarce Smudge
Ypsolopha scabrella - Wainscot Hooktip
Ypsolopha horridella - Dark Smudge
Ypsolopha parenthesella - White-shouldered Smudge
Leucoptera malifoliella - Pear Leaf Blister Moth
Lyonetia clerkella - Apple Leaf Miner
Lyonetia prunifoliella - Striped Bent-wing
Blastodacna atra - Apple Pith Moth
Schiffermuelleria schaefferella
EN Denisia albimaculea
Crassa unitella - Golden-brown Tubic
Carcina quercana - Oak Skeletonizer Moth
Coleophora siccifolia - Grey Birch Case-bearer
Coleophora serratella - Birch Casebearer
Coleophora spinella - Apple & Plum Case-bearer
Coleophora prunifoliae - New sloe case-bearer
Coleophora trigeminella - Scarce Thorn case-bearer
Coleophora violacea - Violet case-bearer
Coleophora hemerobiella - Fruit tree case moth
Coleophora anatipennella - Pistol Case-bearer
Recurvaria nanella - Brindled Groundling
Recurvaria leucatella - Lesser Budmoth
Gelechia rhombella - Apple Groundling
Dichomeris derasella - Blackthorn Crest
NT Synanthedon vespiformis - Yellow-legged Clearwing
Synanthedon myopaeformis - Red-belted Clearwing
Cossus cossus - Goat Moth
Zeuzera pyrina - Leopard Moth
Acleris holmiana - Ggolden leafroller moth
Acleris rhombana - Rhomboid Tortrix
Acleris cristana - Tufted Button
Acleris variegana - Garden Rose Tortrix
Acleris aspersana - Ginger Button
Acleris literana - Sprinkled Rough-wing
Acleris lipsiana - Northern Button
DD Acleris fimbriana
Exapate congelatella - Autumnal Shade
Cnephasia incertana - Light Grey Tortrix
Sparganothis pilleriana - Long-palped tortrix
Eulia ministrana - Brassy Tortrix
Ditula angustiorana - Red-barred Tortrix
Archips podanus - Large Fruit-tree Tortrix
Archips xylosteanus - Variegated Golden Tortrix
Archips rosanus - Rose Tortrix
Choristoneura diversana - Forest Tortrix
Choristoneura hebenstreitella - Mountain-ash tortricid
Argyrotaenia ljungiana - Grape tortrix
Ptycholoma lecheanum - Brindled Tortrix
Pandemis corylana - Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix
Pandemis cerasana - Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix
Pandemis heparana - Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix
Clepsis consimilana - Privet Tortrix
Adoxophyes orana - Summer Fruit Tortrix
Eudemis porphyrana - Apple Marble
Eudemis profundana - Diamond-back Marble
Orthotaenia undulana - Dusky Leafroller
Hedya nubiferana - Marbled Orchard Tortrix
Hedya pruniana - Plum Tortrix
Hedya ochroleucana - Buff-tipped Marble
Rhopobota naevana - Holly Tortrix
Spilonota ocellana - Bud Moth
Epinotia signatana - Black-brindled Bell
Notocelia cynosbatella - Yellow-faced Bell
Enarmonia formosana - Cherry-bark Moth
Ancylis selenana
Ancylis achatana - Triangle-marked Roller
Ancylis mitterbacheriana - Amber Hook-wing
Ancylis tineana - Rannoch Roller
Grapholita lobarzewskii - Small fruit tortrix
Cydia pomonella - Codling Moth
Pammene rhediella - Fruitlet Mining Tortrix
Choreutis pariana - Apple Leaf Skeletonizer
Phycita roborella - Dotted Oak Knot-horn
Catoptria verella - Marbled Grass-veneer
Loxostege sticticalis - Beet Webworm
Poecilocampa populi - December Moth
Eriogaster lanestris - Small Eggar
Malacosoma neustrium - The Lackey
Lasiocampa trifolii - Grass Eggar
Lasiocampa quercus - Oak Eggar
Macrothylacia rubi - Fox Moth
Gastropacha quercifolia - The Lappet
Saturnia pavonia - Emperor Moth
Smerinthus ocellata - Eyed Hawk-moth
Laothoe populi - Poplar Hawk-moth
Sphinx ligustri - Privet Hawk-moth
Iphiclides podalirius - Scarce Swallowtail
Aporia crataegi - Black-veined White
Celastrina argiolus - Holly Blue
Nymphalis polychloros - Large Tortoiseshell
Cilix glaucata - Chinese Character
Opisthograptis luteolata - Brimstone Moth
Selenia tetralunaria - Purple Thorn
Colotois pennaria - Feathered Thorn
Phigalia pilosaria - Pale Brindled Beauty
Lycia hirtaria - Brindled Beauty
Lycia pomonaria - Fruit Beauty
Agriopis aurantiaria - Scarce Umber
Agriopis marginaria - Dotted Border
Erannis defoliaria - Mottled Umber
Hypomecis punctinalis - Pale Oak Beauty
Lomographa temerata - Clouded Silver
Campaea margaritaria - Light Emerald
Alsophila aescularia - March Moth
Jodis lactearia - Little Emerald
Chloroclysta siterata - Red-green Carpet
Operophtera brumata - Winter Moth
NT Eupithecia insigniata - Pinion-spotted Pug
Pasiphila rectangulata - Green Pug
Stauropus fagi - Lobster Moth
VU Acronicta tridens - Dark Dagger
Acronicta psi - Grey Dagger
Acronicta strigosa - Marsh Dagger
Allophyes oxyacanthae - Green-brindled Crescent
Asteroscopus sphinx - The Sprawler
Diloba caeruleocephala - Figure of Eight
Orthosia incerta - Clouded Drab
Orthosia cruda - Small Quaker
Orthosia gracilis - Powdered Quaker
Conistra vaccinii - The Chestnut
Conistra rubiginosa - Black-spot Chestnut
Conistra rubiginea - Dotted Chestnut
Lithophane socia - Pale Pinion
Eupsilia transversa - The Satellite
Griposia aprilina - Merveille du Jour
Ipimorpha subtusa - The Olive
NT Cosmia pyralina - Lunar-spotted Pinion
Cosmia trapezina - The Dun-bar
Peridroma saucia - Pearly Underwing
Anaplectoides prasina - Green Arches
Naenia typica - The Gothic
RE Trichosea ludifica
Colocasia coryli - Nut-tree Tussock
Nola cucullatella - Short-cloaked Moth
Arctia caja - Garden Tiger
Lymantria monacha - Black Arches
Lymantria dispar - Gypsy Moth
Euproctis chrysorrhoea - Brown-tail
Euproctis similis - Yellow-tail
Dicallomera fascelina - Dark Tussock
Calliteara pudibunda - Pale Tussock
Orgyia antiqua - The Vapourer
Orgyia recens - Scarce Vapourer - Magnus Unger - Contact