Species: Malus sylvestris - Crab Apple



List of lepidoptera species using Malus sylvestris as larval foodplant.

Stigmella malella - Apple Pygmy
Stigmella magdalenae - Northern Rowan Pigmy
Stigmella oxyacanthella - Common Fruit-tree Pigmy
Stigmella sorbi - Barred Rowan Pigmy
Stigmella incognitella
Bohemannia pulverosella - Dusty Apple Pigmy
Ectoedemia atricollis - Pinch-barred Pigmy
Incurvaria pectinea - Pale Feathered Bright
Bucculatrix bechsteinella
Callisto denticulella - Garden Apple Slender
Parornix scoticella
Phyllonorycter sorbi - Rowan midget
Phyllonorycter blancardellus - Spotted Tentiform Leafminer
Phyllonorycter corylifoliellus - Hawthorn Red Midget Moth
Scythropia crataegella - Hawthorn Moth
Yponomeuta malinellus - Apple Ermine
Argyresthia ivella - Gold-four Argent
Argyresthia curvella - Brindled Argent
Leucoptera malifoliella - Pear Leaf Blister Moth
Lyonetia clerkella - Apple Leaf Miner
Lyonetia prunifoliella - Striped Bent-wing
Carcina quercana - Oak Skeletonizer Moth
Coleophora siccifolia - Grey Birch Case-bearer
Coleophora serratella - Birch Casebearer
Coleophora spinella - Apple & Plum Case-bearer
Coleophora prunifoliae
Coleophora trigeminella
Coleophora violacea - Violet case-bearer
Coleophora hemerobiella - Fruit tree case moth
Recurvaria nanella - Brindled Groundling
Recurvaria leucatella - Lesser Budmoth
Dichomeris derasella - Blackthorn Crest
Acleris cristana - Tufted Button
Acleris aspersana - Ginger Button
Acleris lipsiana - Northern Button
Clepsis consimilana - Privet Tortrix
Adoxophyes orana - Summer Fruit Tortrix
Hedya nubiferana - Marbled Orchard Tortrix
Epinotia signatana - Black-brindled Bell
Enarmonia formosana - Cherry-bark Moth
Cydia pomonella - Codling Moth
Smerinthus ocellata - Eyed Hawk-moth
Cilix glaucata - Chinese Character
NT Eupithecia insigniata - Pinion-spotted Pug
Pasiphila rectangulata - Green Pug
Diloba caeruleocephala - Figure of Eight

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