Gelechiidae - Stävmalar

Gelechiidae (Stävmalar) is a family of micro-moths, in Sweden there is a total of 208 species in this family.

CR Dactylotula kinkerella
Aristotelia ericinella - Heather Neb
Aristotelia subdecurtella - Brown Fen Neb
NT Aristotelia heliacella
Aristotelia brizella - Thrift Neb
Chrysoesthia drurella - Goosefoot Leafminer Moth
Chrysoesthia sexguttella - Six-spot Crest
EN Xystophora carchariella
Xystophora pulveratella
Isophrictis striatella - White-border Neb
Isophrictis anthemidella - Unnamed Neb
Metzneria neuropterella - Brown-veined Neb
Metzneria aestivella - Carline Neb
Metzneria lappella - Burdock Neb
Metzneria ehikeella
Metzneria metzneriella - Knapweed Seedhead Moth
Metzneria aprilella - Brilliant Neb
Metzneria santolinella
Apodia bifractella - Dark Fleabane Neb
EN Ptocheuusa inopella
EN Psamathocrita osseella
Argolamprotes micella - Bramble Bronze
Monochroa cytisella - Bracken Neb
NT Monochroa rumicetella
Monochroa sepicolella
Monochroa tenebrella - Common Plain Neb
Monochroa servella
Monochroa conspersella - Dingy Neb
Monochroa tetragonella - Milkwort Borer
Monochroa elongella
EN Monochroa inflexella
Monochroa lutulentella - Black Neb
Monochroa lucidella - Buff-marked Neb
VU Monochroa saltenella
Monochroa palustrella - Dock Streak
Monochroa arundinetella - Pond-sedge Miner
Monochroa suffusella - Cottongrass Borer
EN Monochroa ferrea
Monochroa hornigi - Knotweed Neb
Monochroa niphognatha - Kentish Neb
Eulamprotes wilkella - Painted Neb
NT Eulamprotes superbella
Eulamprotes unicolorella - Unmarked Neb
Eulamprotes atrella - Hypericum Neb
NT Eulamprotes plumbella
Bryotropha terrella - Cinereous Groundling
Bryotropha desertella - Coast Moss-moth
Bryotropha boreella
Bryotropha basaltinella - Thatch Neb
Bryotropha galbanella - Perth Neb
Bryotropha plantariella
NT Bryotropha purpurella
Bryotropha senectella - Dull Red Neb
Bryotropha similis - Obscure Neb
Bryotropha umbrosella - Sandhill Moss-moth
Bryotropha affinis - Dark Groundling
Recurvaria nanella - Brindled Groundling
Recurvaria leucatella - Lesser Budmoth
Exoteleia dodecella
Coleotechnites piceaella - Orange Spruce Needleminer
Stenolechia gemmella - Black-dotted Groundling
Parachronistis albiceps - Wood Groundling
Teleiodes vulgellus - Common Groundling
Teleiodes wagae
Teleiodes saltuum
Teleiodes luculellus
Teleiodes flavimaculellus - Chestnut Groundling
NT Teleiodes sequax - Barred Groundling
Carpatolechia decorella - Winter Oak Groundling
Carpatolechia fugitivella - Elm Groundling
Carpatolechia fugacella
Carpatolechia alburnella - Suffused Groundling
Carpatolechia notatella
Carpatolechia proximella - Black-speckled Groundling
Carpatolechia epomidella
Pseudotelphusa scalella
Pseudotelphusa paripunctella
Teleiopsis diffinis
Altenia perspersella
Altenia scriptella
Gelechia rhombella - Apple Groundling
Gelechia scotinella - Blackthorn Gelechia
Gelechia senticetella - Cypress Gelechia
Gelechia muscosella - Grey Sallow Groundling
Gelechia sororculella - Dark-striped Groundling
Gelechia sabinellus - Juniper Groundling
Gelechia cuneatella - Long-winged Groundling
Gelechia hippophaella - Seathorn Groundling
Gelechia nigra - Black Gelechia
Gelechia turpella - Grand Groundling
Gelechia sestertiella
Psoricoptera gibbosella - Humped Crest
Psoricoptera speciosella
EN Mirificarma lentiginosella - Greenweed Groundling
Mirificarma mulinella - Gorse Groundling
Chionodes lugubrellus
Chionodes tragicellus
Chionodes luctuellus
Chionodes violaceus
Chionodes holosericellus
Chionodes nubilellus
Chionodes continuellus
Chionodes distinctellus - Eastern Groundling
Chionodes electellus
Chionodes viduellus
Chionodes fumatellus - Downland Groundling
Chionodes ignorantellus
Aroga velocella
Filatima incomptella
DD Filatima ukrainica
Neofriseria peliella - White-spot Groundling
Neofriseria singula - Mottled Groundling
Prolita sexpunctella - Long-horned flat-back
EN Prolita solutella - Buff Groundling
Athrips pruinosellus
Athrips mouffetellus - Dotted Grey Groundling
Athrips amoenellus
Athrips tetrapunctellus
VU Gnorimoschema herbichi
Gnorimoschema epithymellum
Gnorimoschema nordlandicolellum
Gnorimoschema valesiellum
Gnorimoschema streliciellum
Scrobipalpopsis petasitis
Scrobipalpa acuminatella - Pointed Groundling
Scrobipalpa proclivella
VU Scrobipalpa murinella
Scrobipalpa artemisiella - Thyme Moth
Scrobipalpa pauperella
Scrobipalpa clintoni
Scrobipalpa samadensis
Scrobipalpa stangei
EN Scrobipalpa salicorniae
Scrobipalpa obsoletella - Summer Groundling
Scrobipalpa nitentella - Coast Orache Miner
Scrobipalpa ocellatella - Beet Moth
Scrobipalpa atriplicella - Goosefoot Groundling
Scrobipalpula psilella
Scrobipalpula tussilaginis
NT Scrobipalpula diffluella
Klimeschiopsis kiningerella
Caryocolum fischerellum
Caryocolum tischeriellum
Caryocolum alsinellum - Narrow Groundling
Caryocolum viscariellum
Caryocolum vicinellum - Coast Groundling
Caryocolum amaurellum
VU Caryocolum petryi
Caryocolum cauligenellum
Caryocolum arenariellum
Caryocolum marmoreum - Beautiful Groundling
Caryocolum pullatellum
Caryocolum fraternellum - Mouse-ear Groundling
Caryocolum blandellum - Short-barred Groundling
NT Caryocolum blandelloides
Caryocolum proximum - Meadow Groundling
Caryocolum blandulellum - Southern Barred Groundling
Caryocolum tricolorellum - Beautiful Groundling
Caryocolum junctellum
Caryocolum cassellum
Caryocolum petrophilum
NT Caryocolum huebneri - Hedge Groundling
Caryocolum kroesmanniellum - Scarce Groundling
Sophronia semicostella - White-shouldered Groundling
VU Sophronia gelidella
CR Sophronia chilonella
NT Sophronia humerella
Sophronia sicariella
VU Stomopteryx remissella
EN Syncopacma sangiella - Brown Sober
Syncopacma cinctella - Scarce White-barred
VU Syncopacma wormiella
Syncopacma taeniolella - Silver-barred Sober
CR Syncopacma suecicella
Syncopacma karvoneni
Aproaerema anthyllidellum - Vetch Sober
Anacampsis populella - Poplar Sober
Anacampsis blattariella - Birch sober
VU Anacampsis scintillella
Anacampsis temerella
EN Anacampsis fuscella
Mesophleps silacellus - Straw Crest
Anarsia innoxiella - Peach Twig Borer
EN Anarsia spartiella - Wanstead Grey
Hypatima rhomboidella - Square-spot Crest
Nothris verbascella - Clay Sober
Nothris gregerseni
Neofaculta ericetella - Heather Grey
Neofaculta infernella
Dichomeris juniperella - Scotch Crest
Dichomeris marginella - Juniper Webber
Dichomeris derasella - Blackthorn Crest
Dichomeris limosella
Dichomeris alacella - Lichen Sober
Dichomeris latipennella
EN Brachmia dimidiella
Brachmia blandella - Gorse Crest
Brachmia inornatella - Fen Crest
Helcystogramma lineolellum
Helcystogramma lutatellum
Helcystogramma rufescens - Orange Crest
Acompsia cinerella
VU Acompsia subpunctella
Acompsia schmidtiella - Marjoram Crest
Pexicopia malvella - Hollyhock Seed Moth
VU Platyedra subcinerea - Mallow Groundling
Thiotricha subocellea - Eyelet Sober - Magnus Unger - Contact