Gelechiidae - Stävmalar

Gelechiidae (Stävmalar) is a family of micro-moths, in Sweden there is a total of 208 species in this family.

CR Dactylotula kinkerella
Aristotelia ericinella - Heather Neb
Aristotelia subdecurtella - Brown Fen Neb
NT Aristotelia heliacella
Aristotelia brizella - Thrift Neb
Chrysoesthia drurella - Goosefoot Leafminer Moth
Chrysoesthia sexguttella - Six-spot Crest
EN Xystophora carchariella
Xystophora pulveratella
Isophrictis striatella - White-border Neb
Isophrictis anthemidella - Unnamed Neb
Metzneria neuropterella
Metzneria aestivella
Metzneria lappella - Burdock Neb
Metzneria ehikeella
Metzneria metzneriella
Metzneria aprilella
Metzneria santolinella
Apodia bifractella
EN Ptocheuusa inopella
EN Psamathocrita osseella
Argolamprotes micella - Bramble Bronze
Monochroa cytisella - Bracken Neb
NT Monochroa rumicetella
Monochroa sepicolella
Monochroa tenebrella - Common Plain Neb
Monochroa servella
Monochroa conspersella
Monochroa tetragonella
Monochroa elongella
EN Monochroa inflexella
Monochroa lutulentella - Black Neb
Monochroa lucidella - Buff-marked Neb
VU Monochroa saltenella
Monochroa palustrella
Monochroa arundinetella
Monochroa suffusella
EN Monochroa ferrea
Monochroa hornigi - Knotweed Neb
Monochroa niphognatha - Kentish Neb
Eulamprotes wilkella
NT Eulamprotes superbella
Eulamprotes unicolorella - Unmarked Neb
Eulamprotes atrella
NT Eulamprotes plumbella
Bryotropha terrella - Cinereous Groundling
Bryotropha desertella - Coast Moss-moth
Bryotropha boreella
Bryotropha basaltinella - Thatch Neb
Bryotropha galbanella
Bryotropha plantariella
NT Bryotropha purpurella
Bryotropha senectella
Bryotropha similis - Obscure Neb
Bryotropha umbrosella
Bryotropha affinis - Dark Groundling
Recurvaria nanella - Brindled Groundling
Recurvaria leucatella - Lesser Budmoth
Exoteleia dodecella
Coleotechnites piceaella - Orange Spruce Needleminer
Stenolechia gemmella
Parachronistis albiceps - Wood Groundling
Teleiodes vulgellus - Common Groundling
Teleiodes wagae
Teleiodes saltuum
Teleiodes luculellus
Teleiodes flavimaculellus - Chestnut Groundling
NT Teleiodes sequax - Barred Groundling
Carpatolechia decorella - Winter Oak Groundling
Carpatolechia fugitivella - Elm Groundling
Carpatolechia fugacella
Carpatolechia alburnella - Suffused Groundling
Carpatolechia notatella
Carpatolechia proximella - Black-speckled Groundling
Carpatolechia epomidella
Pseudotelphusa scalella
Pseudotelphusa paripunctella
Teleiopsis diffinis
Altenia perspersella
Altenia scriptella
Gelechia rhombella - Apple Groundling
Gelechia scotinella
Gelechia senticetella
Gelechia muscosella - Grey Sallow Groundling
Gelechia sororculella - Dark-striped Groundling
Gelechia sabinellus - Juniper Groundling
Gelechia cuneatella - Long-winged Groundling
Gelechia hippophaella
Gelechia nigra
Gelechia turpella
Gelechia sestertiella
Psoricoptera gibbosella - Humped Crest
Psoricoptera speciosella
EN Mirificarma lentiginosella - Greenweed Groundling
Mirificarma mulinella
Chionodes lugubrellus
Chionodes tragicellus
Chionodes luctuellus
Chionodes violaceus
Chionodes holosericellus
Chionodes nubilellus
Chionodes continuellus
Chionodes distinctellus
Chionodes electellus
Chionodes viduellus
Chionodes fumatellus - Downland Groundling
Chionodes ignorantellus
Aroga velocella
Filatima incomptella
DD Filatima ukrainica
Neofriseria peliella
Neofriseria singula
Prolita sexpunctella - Long-horned flat-back
EN Prolita solutella
Athrips pruinosellus
Athrips mouffetellus - Dotted Grey Groundling
Athrips amoenellus
Athrips tetrapunctellus
VU Gnorimoschema herbichi
Gnorimoschema epithymellum
Gnorimoschema nordlandicolellum
Gnorimoschema valesiellum
Gnorimoschema streliciellum
Scrobipalpopsis petasitis
Scrobipalpa acuminatella - Pointed Groundling
Scrobipalpa proclivella
VU Scrobipalpa murinella
Scrobipalpa artemisiella - Thyme Moth
Scrobipalpa pauperella
Scrobipalpa clintoni
Scrobipalpa samadensis
Scrobipalpa stangei
EN Scrobipalpa salicorniae
Scrobipalpa obsoletella - Summer Groundling
Scrobipalpa nitentella - Coast Orache Miner
Scrobipalpa ocellatella - Beet Moth
Scrobipalpa atriplicella - Goosefoot Groundling
Scrobipalpula psilella
Scrobipalpula tussilaginis
NT Scrobipalpula diffluella
Klimeschiopsis kiningerella
Caryocolum fischerellum
Caryocolum tischeriellum
Caryocolum alsinellum
Caryocolum viscariellum
Caryocolum vicinellum
Caryocolum amaurellum
VU Caryocolum petryi
Caryocolum cauligenellum
Caryocolum arenariellum
Caryocolum marmoreum
Caryocolum pullatellum
Caryocolum fraternellum - Mouse-ear Groundling
Caryocolum blandellum - Short-barred Groundling
NT Caryocolum blandelloides
Caryocolum proximum
Caryocolum blandulellum - Southern Barred Groundling
Caryocolum tricolorellum
Caryocolum junctellum
Caryocolum cassellum
Caryocolum petrophilum
NT Caryocolum huebneri
Caryocolum kroesmanniellum
Sophronia semicostella - White-shouldered Groundling
VU Sophronia gelidella
CR Sophronia chilonella
NT Sophronia humerella
Sophronia sicariella
VU Stomopteryx remissella
EN Syncopacma sangiella - Brown Sober
Syncopacma cinctella
VU Syncopacma wormiella
Syncopacma taeniolella - Silver-barred Sober
CR Syncopacma suecicella
Syncopacma karvoneni
Aproaerema anthyllidellum - Vetch Sober
Anacampsis populella - Poplar Sober
Anacampsis blattariella - Birch sober
VU Anacampsis scintillella
Anacampsis temerella
Anacampsis fuscella
Mesophleps silacellus - Straw Crest
Anarsia innoxiella - Peach Twig Borer
EN Anarsia spartiella - Wanstead Grey
Hypatima rhomboidella - Square-spot Crest
Nothris verbascella - Clay Sober
Nothris gregerseni
Neofaculta ericetella
Neofaculta infernella
Dichomeris juniperella - Scotch Crest
Dichomeris marginella - Juniper Webber
Dichomeris derasella - Blackthorn Crest
Dichomeris limosella
Dichomeris alacella - Lichen Sober
Dichomeris latipennella
EN Brachmia dimidiella
Brachmia blandella - Gorse Crest
Brachmia inornatella - Fen Crest
Helcystogramma lineolellum
Helcystogramma lutatellum
Helcystogramma rufescens - Orange Crest
Acompsia cinerella
VU Acompsia subpunctella
Acompsia schmidtiella - Marjoram Crest
Pexicopia malvella - Hollyhock Seed Moth
VU Platyedra subcinerea - Mallow Groundling
Thiotricha subocellea - Magnus Unger - Contact