Gracillariidae - Styltmalar

Gracillariidae (Styltmalar) is a family of micro-moths, in Sweden there is a total of 90 species in this family.

Parectopa ononidis - Clover slender
Micrurapteryx gradatella
VU Caloptilia cuculipennella - Feathered slender
Caloptilia populetorum - Clouded Slender
Caloptilia suberinella
Caloptilia elongella - Pale Red Slender
Caloptilia betulicola - Red Birch Slender
Caloptilia rufipennella - Small red slender
Caloptilia alchimiella - Yellow-triangle slender
Caloptilia robustella - New Oak Slender
Caloptilia stigmatella - White-triangle Slender
Caloptilia falconipennella - Scarce Alder Slender
Caloptilia jurateae - Maple Slender
Caloptilia hemidactylella - Sycamore slender
Gracillaria syringella - Lilac Leafminer
Aspilapteryx tringipennella - Ribwort slender
Euspilapteryx auroguttella - Gold-dot Slender
Calybites phasianipennella - Little slender
Povolnya leucapennella - Sulphur Slender
NT Sauterina hofmanniella
Acrocercops brongniardellus/andreneli - Leaf Blotch Miner
Leucospilapteryx omissella - Mugwort Slender
Callisto coffeella - Highland Slender
Callisto insperatella
Callisto denticulella - Garden Apple Slender
Parornix loganella
Parornix fagivora - Beech Slender
Parornix carpinella - Hornbeam slender
Parornix anglicella - Hawthorn Slender
Parornix devoniella - Hazel Slender
Parornix betulae - Brown birch slender
Parornix scoticella - Rowan slender
Parornix finitimella - Pointed Slender
Parornix traugotti
Parornix polygrammella
Parornix atripalpella
Parornix torquillella - Blackthorn Parornix
Phyllonorycter harrisellus - White Oak Midget
Phyllonorycter roboris - Gold-bent Midget
Phyllonorycter heegeriellus - Pale Oak Midget
Phyllonorycter tenerellus - Hornbeam Midget
Phyllonorycter quercifoliellus - Common Oak Midget
Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae - Common Thorn Midget
Phyllonorycter sorbi - Rowan midget
Phyllonorycter blancardellus - Spotted Tentiform Leafminer
Phyllonorycter junoniellus - Upland Midget
Phyllonorycter cerasicolellus - Cherry Midget
Phyllonorycter spinicolellus - Sloe Midget
Phyllonorycter leucographellus - Firethorn Leaf Miner
Phyllonorycter corylifoliellus - Hawthorn Red Midget Moth
Phyllonorycter salictellus
Phyllonorycter salicicolellus - Long-streak midget
Phyllonorycter brevilineatellus
Phyllonorycter dubitellus - Southern midget
Phyllonorycter hilarellus - Sallow midget
Phyllonorycter rolandi
Phyllonorycter cavellus - Gold birch midget
Phyllonorycter staintoniellus
Phyllonorycter maestingellus - Beech midget
Phyllonorycter coryli - Nut Leaf Blister Moth
Phyllonorycter esperellus - Dark hornbeam midget
Phyllonorycter strigulatellus - Grey-alder midget
Phyllonorycter rajellus - Common Alder Midget
Phyllonorycter quinqueguttellus - Sandhill midget
Phyllonorycter anderidae - Small birch midget
Phyllonorycter nigrescentellus - Vetch midget
Phyllonorycter insignitellus - Clover midget
Phyllonorycter lautellus - Fiery Oak Midget
Phyllonorycter schreberellus - Small elm midget
Phyllonorycter ulmifoliellus - Red birch midget
Phyllonorycter emberizaepenellus - Large midget
Phyllonorycter tristrigellus - Elm midget
Phyllonorycter stettinensis - Small alder midget
Phyllonorycter froelichiellus - Broad-barred Midget
Phyllonorycter nicellii - Red hazel midget
Phyllonorycter klemannellus - Dark alder midget
Phyllonorycter trifasciellus - Honeysuckle midget
Phyllonorycter platani - London Midget
Phyllonorycter acerifoliellus - Maple midget
Phyllonorycter joannisi - White-bodied Midget
Phyllonorycter geniculellus - Sycamore Midget
Phyllonorycter connexellus
Phyllonorycter pastorellus - Royal midget
Phyllonorycter sagitellus - Scarce aspen midget
Phyllonorycter apparellus - Aspen Midget
Phyllonorycter populifoliellus
Cameraria ohridella - Horse Chestnut Leaf-miner
Phyllocnistis saligna/asiatica - Willow Bent-wing
Phyllocnistis labyrinthella
Phyllocnistis unipunctella - Poplar Bent-wing - Magnus Unger - Contact