Tineidae - Äkta malar

Tineidae (Äkta malar) is a family of micro-moths, in Sweden there is a total of 56 species in this family.

Myrmecozela ochraceella
DD Haplotinea ditella
Haplotinea insectella - Drab clothes moth
Infurcitinea ignicomella
Infurcitinea albicomella
NT Infurcitinea argentimaculella - Silver-barred Clothes Moth
Stenoptinea cyaneimarmorella - Barred Brown Clothes Moth
NT Karsholtia marianii
Agnathosia mendicella
EN Agnathosia sandoeensis
Montescardia tessulatella
Scardia boletella
Morophaga choragella
Triaxomera fulvimitrella
Triaxomera parasitella - Large Brindled Clothes Moth
Archinemapogon yildizae
Nemaxera betulinella
Nemapogon granellus - Corn Moth
Nemapogon cloacellus - Cork Moth
Nemapogon wolffiellus - White-speckled Clothes Moth
DD Nemapogon inconditellus
Nemapogon gliriellus
Nemapogon variatellus
Nemapogon clematellus - Barred white clothes moth
VU Nemapogon fungivorellus
Nemapogon picarellus
Nemapogon nigralbellus
VU Nemapogon falstriellus
EN Triaxomasia caprimulgella - Small Timber Clothes Moth
EN Pelecystola fraudulentella
RE Trichophaga tapetzella - Tapestry Moth
NT Trichophaga scandinaviella
VU Elatobia fuliginosella
Tineola bisselliella - Common Clothes Moth
Tinea pellionella - Case-bearing Clothes Moth
DD Tinea dubiella
DD Tinea bothniella
Tinea pallescentella - Large Pale Clothes Moth
Tinea steueri
Tinea columbariella - Eaves Clothes Moth
Tinea svenssoni
Tinea semifulvella
Tinea trinotella - Bird’s-nest Moth
Niditinea fuscella - Brown-dotted Clothes Moth
Niditinea striolella - Brindled Clothes Moth
NT Niditinea truncicolella
Monopis laevigella - Skin Moth
Monopis weaverella
Monopis spilotella
Monopis obviella
Monopis imella
Monopis monachella
Monopis fenestratella
Neurothaumasia ankerella
VU Psychoides verhuella

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